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The Ace of Pentacles

Tarot Card: Ace of PentaclesThe Ace of Pentacles card in a more general sense, represents prosperity, security and a successful career.

This card is a very fortunate one especially in a tarot spread where the main divination is undertaken to ask questions concerning money, property, shares and other securities, and material possessions.

The Ace of Pentcales card indicates that the subject will launch a new project, enter new job or a business enterprise and also be successful in it. Once the project is started, it will have the potential for immense and continuous growth. Each level of growth would herald a new springboard in the entrepreneurial journey.

Sometimes, the Ace of Pentcales may appear only to indicate a sudden windfall such as a lottery that may bring about a major change in the life of the subject.

The same can happen on the spiritual plane. The appearance of the card may herald a spiritual awakening or a development. You may be surprised at the weird ways in which the spiritual possibilities present themselves when their time is ripe.


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Ace of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles
Three of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles
Four of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles
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Seven of Pentacles
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Eight of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles
Ten of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles

King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles

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