Horoscopes Archive > 2012 > 07 > Daily Horoscopes 15 - 21 July 2012

Daily Horoscopes

15 - 21 July 2012


15 July 2012


You are allowed to show that you know that everything is very complicated and you should use that character treat that is rare for you: patience. It is a very good day to sell something. You don’t really have to sell something concrete, your ideas could be sold as well. A mistake in a calculation could be discovered and this could have some major consequences.

Use your patience!


Hopefully you still have some energy left after that busy week. Make sure you don’t eat too much today. Take some time to get some rest. Don’t worry about other people’s problems. There might already be a solution and you’re still worrying. Focus on yourself and your own goals for the future. Make a list of things you want to accomplish.

Write down your goals!


You have such an urge to go on a holiday, you feel lost at home at the moment. Do you have some days off left? The best solution is to book a trip as far away as possible, preferably to a place with nice weather. By wandering around for a while you will put things in the right perspective again. What is really important? You, of course!

Follow your heart!


You probably won’t sleep tonight. You are too restless and your mind is filled with things. Of course you’ll use the extra time you’ll get because of that. There is a big chance you’ll clean up your entire house during a sleepless night. You can shop without feeling guilty. Your budget permits it. There might be some tension in the air. You are pretty dominant and you want to be right all the time. It doesn’t work that way.

Don’t be so stubborn!


If you want to show your boss what you are capable of this is the time to plan the way to do it. With the best intentions you try to get something done from someone but it doesn’t really work out. You are pushing too hard even with your best intentions. Take a step back. You can see the bigger picture then. Don’t stare yourself blind on details.

Don’t force anything!


You can’t always do what someone else wants. Sometimes you just have to follow your own path without worrying too much. You don’t have to feel guilty at all or think that you are abandoning someone. Unfortunately there is someone close to you who feels as if you are not supporting him/her enough. Believe that you are doing enough for this person already. Do you get enough support from him/her?

Be a little bit selfish!


A lot of people around you won’t be pleased with your provocative attitude and will work against you. Even your furniture and your pets seem to offer resistance. There is big chance you’ll feel exhausted tonight. You have a vivid imagination. Accept the fact that others don’t always understand you. Go out to have a drink tonight or have a nice dinner in a restaurant.

Not everyone shares the same opinion!


You will be swamped with interesting possibilities tonight but that means you’ll be easily distracted as well. It is very hard to focus on one thing at a time. People react in a tensed way. Instead of negotiating, you choose to command. There are other ways to get what you want. You want to look good because a party is coming up. You can make a few hearts beat faster.

Dress to impress!


Today is all about living on the edge. You push others until they reach (or even over) the edge. You will also explore the boundaries of your being. Why you are doing that? Because it gives you a great and invincible feeling. You will get a boost in everything that has to do with work. Creativity will get you the best results. Turn everything into a fun game today.

Express yourself and be creative!


Don’t be surprised when unexpected things happen today. A surprise could mess up your plans. You could stress out over that but you could also enjoy the new things that you are going to do. You might be interested in joining an organization that cares about social reformations. Choose what fits you though and something you can fully support. A story could inspire you to travel.

Choose wisely!


If it hasn’t been a long time since you started a new job, you will start to feel at ease now. Attract responsibilities before they ask you do so. It impresses to show initiative. Don’t talk about agreements before they are final because you might say too much and nothing will happen. You’ll be stuck with the mess. Keep far away from it

Don’t outrun yourself!


It’s going to be a wonderful, lively day. The people around you have fun ideas and want to involve you. Take your partner along if you are going house hunting. It might happen that you just fall head over heels in love with a house that your partner doesn’t like at all. Take some time off tonight after having this very active day so you will have a fresh feeling tomorrow when going to work.

Enjoy this day to the fullest!


16 July 2012


You are having very deep thoughts today about all kinds of things. This could give you important insights but could also lead to obsessive worrying. You get to choose between these options. Everything you do along with others will be successful. Don’t fight with a friend that is giving you a little bit of a hard time.
Keep in mind that a loved one is making an effort to fulfil one of your wishes.

Make the right choice!


You think about a possible career change. The news about the prices of houses could make you go and see some houses. Are you looking for a change in your life? Maybe you have to let go of your own plans and go along with the plans of your partner. (S)he probably has different ideas. When everything seems to work against you today try not to force anything. Wait until the evening comes and everything will clear up.

Share your ideas!


When you have to bring some bad news today it will seem more positive than it actually is. You are radiating with positive energy and that has a good effect on your surroundings. You could physically stronger than before. Your subconscious really needs some change. Stir up things, get rid of old baggage, that’s what it’s all about. You will never be the same again. Doesn’t that feel great?!

A brand new chapter!


Today the focus will be on your financial situation. That provides you with a lot of extra energy. What are you going to do with it: save it or spend it? There is a big chance you’ll spend it first, to add to your bank account later on. Make sure you don’t exaggerate in exploring boundaries and that these exciting things don’t become risky or self-destructive.

Keep an eye on your limits!


If you are single don’t could on a long lasting relationship too quickly. The person you will meet one of these days will be someone that prefers one-nightstands. If you are already in a relationship your partner take the lead too often. Use the morning for meetings and appointments with your superiors. If you want to sell something, you need to stay in touch with your customers. Be direct. You have the right answers and arguments at the moment.

You know what you are talking about!


If you are in a relationship the future will be discussed. If you are single you are totally enchanted by a certain person. (S)he doesn’t show anything because (s)he has no clue about your feelings. You will be swamped with fun things to do and nice people to meet. Your life becomes a lot more exciting and glamorous.

Fully enjoy the fun!


If you don’t divide your time well you’ll have to deal with stress. So work hard even if you don’t feel like it. Once you get started you might even feel like working a little extra. Don’t clean out the bathroom or do the dishes if something important is waiting for you, because that’s what you usually do. You will only get exhausted and you still won’t have anything done.

Make a to-do-list!


It seems you’re over your peak again. It could be that you feel a little less enthusiastic than usual. But it would be a waste to mope around because a lot of fun things are at stake. Don’t have the illusion that you’ll get rich sleeping. A change, which includes moving houses, doesn’t always mean progress.

Be alert around numbers!


When your emotions are tangled up it would be wise to go to the gym. You can clear your mind completely and work on your health at the same time. You will have to get through the day with less energy today. It is time to relax. This is a good time to take really good care of your self and your body. Choose meditation, yoga and green juices instead of wine and chocolate cake.

Focus on your health, mentally and physically!


It promises to be a good day but do pay attention to your expenses. Try to stay as practical as possible and use that credit card as little as possible. That bill will come. Choose to cook your own meal instead of going out to eat and that will save you some money as well. It is better to let some things from the past rest. It’s not worth it to drag everything up again.

Don’t open Pandora’s box!


Try to hit the breaks for once. You’ll find a better balance. You always go for the victory and this gets you positive results. It does hurt your popularity though. Your finances are in the spotlights. It could be that you are worrying about your bank account but there is no need. New, more solid ways of income are heading your way. You’ll have to do some work for it though.

Slow down a little bit!


A big change could happen at work. Try to stay calm and as tactful as possible. This moment might be perfect to push some minor adjustments through. A political situation can’t be reversed. You’ll spend this day thinking. You want to find out what really matters to you. Take your time. Keep thinking in solutions and not in problems.

Make the best out of it!


17 July 2012


Be convinced that it’s good to stand up for your opinion. Don’t let a vague feeling of restlessness lead you. You are sexy today, mysterious and endlessly attractive for the opposite sex. It’s wonderful when this vibe is in the air. Know that you are wanted and don’t be ashamed to give into your lust. The next 24 hours you will only be able to think about passion and intimacy.

Enjoy your feelings!


Your communication skills are peaking. That’s very practical at work. Time to lift your conversations to a higher level. You can get anything accomplished from negotiations about your salary to leading meetings. You have discovered a lot about yourself and about the people you want or don’t want to be with. It’s all black and white for you. You should be a little bit more flexible.

You have a way with words!


You really know what you want to do and people notice that. Because of that nobody will ignore you. They want to know what you think about something first. Keep in mind that you have to let others speak their mind as well. They could cast a different light on the subject and that’s how new insights are created. If you are travelling you’ll unexpectedly fall in love with someone. You have the courage to walk up to him/her today and close the deal.

You’re on a tight budget!


You notice that your introvert and extravert side of your character are in constant battle. Try to pay attention to both sides because you will always see different sides of yourself fighting each other. Give into it. You finally get how things work because people are whom they are. Add a dose of seduction to it and you know it’s going to be an exciting day.

Accept people like they are!


It is finally time to put some action into your words. If you say you want to reach a goal, you will have to invest time and energy to really get what you want. Everything is about keeping your promises. Making no choice is choosing as well in the end. Unfortunately the choice will usually be made for you. The question is if you’ll get the results you had in mind.

Get moving!


It will be an intellectual day full of interesting conversations, risky ideas and inspiring things to read. Your curiosity will guide you to different adventures and you feel attracted to someone whom has a completely different background. Explore things you never felt like exploring before. Be very precise with someone else’s money. Read the fine print carefully before you sign a financial contract and make sure the papers are legitimate.

Explore new horizons!


If you had a little bit more discipline you would be much more productive. That could even lead to achieving your goal. You have more confidence than usually. You are very persistent. You could be a little bit too sensitive when it comes to personal criticism. You are busy with love and friendships. There’s no lack of drama and excitement! Some relationships could become too dramatic.

Friends want to become lovers!


Keep an eye on your calendar because that one event is closer than you think. A social movement could convince you to join in. Make sure your love life doesn’t suffer from these activities. Success is no replacement for love. Stay out of discussions about social situations that will probably change soon. Working together could be tough because of too much competition.

Make love your priority!


You are very talkative today. You chat with everyone around you. This could end up in pure gossip, which doesn’t cause any good. You could even harm someone by doing that. Limit yourself to your own subject so you can keep on working as well. Your day will be interrupted by phone calls and e-mails. Try to decide what is important and what isn’t.

Don’t spread rumours!


After all the fun last weekend your focus shifts to your work again. Don’t worry, that transition will be smoothly. Once you have all projects completely under control, you’ll be able to do non-stop fun things again. Just when you were getting tired of your old routine something new pops up. Everything you need is a small push to start moving. The perfect plan of action will easily follow.

You are ready for anything!


You have linked your emotions and your finances today. That means retail therapy is a very bad idea. It could go to extremes. Don’t try to find solace in food either because that could have serious consequences as well. It will be a lively, expressive day. You are respected and you like a little bit of drama. Gather all your admirers and they’ll easily follow you.

People will listen to you!


Your career is very important today. New plans are being made. Don’t make all ends meet at once because this is just the beginning of some spectacular successes. A lot more awaits you. You are scaring of a date without even noticing it. You are just a little bit too direct. You have some doubts about this new love.

You are overly enthusiastic!

18 July 2012


Think well before you rush into an adventure. You have dropped a few stitches and who cares about that when life is so much fun? It would be wiser though to do so because otherwise you won’t just become slave of your own enthusiasm but also a victim. Important people are keeping an eye on you. Show what you got. This is the time to put yourself in the spotlights.

Be impressive!


A little drama is fine but it can become too much. Today you react emotionally so watch out that you don’t react too strong. Make sure you don’t end up entangled in other people’s affairs. Idiotic jealousies and misplaced inferiority complexes are the things that will happen today. You feel like a prisoner in between your social zone and the hermit inside you. You don’t know if you should or shouldn’t look for people today.

Stay calm and focused!


You would have preferred to stay in bed this morning but alas, the weekend isn’t here yet. Of course you’ll find your groove, you just need some time today. It is important to give into your body’s need to relax too though so don’t stay up too late tonight. Slow down while eating your meals and relax with a book. Take a hot bath or a refreshing shower. The choice is yours.

Take good care of yourself!


Embrace changes at work with extra enthusiasm today. A breakthrough will clear up a misunderstanding and that will improve a relationship. You could be confronted with a situation, at home or at work that will ask a lot of imaginative powers. It’s wonderful that you are full of brilliant and creative ideas to change the world. It is important to do something with them as soon as possible.

You can solve anything!


Did you make plans for the upcoming weekend yet? If you haven’t, call up some friends to meet up for a nice night out. If you have already made plans, make sure you have enough food in the house or take enough along. You might have everything completely under control or your life feels like complete chaos. Whatever it is, schedules and planning are your top priority today. Time everything perfectly so you have everything under control.

Start planning!


The things you dream about are not impossible. You might just have to be a little more persistent. A creative mind will be helpful as well. You are known as a generous person. It could get to be a very busy day at work and at home. Try to organize everything in a logical order. Make sure nobody turns you into a scapegoat.

Deliver your work in a correct way!


This day is all about games and fun. You can create your own reality. Stay positive and send out positive vibes to the people around you. Happiness is contagious and what you give to others will come back to you. Meetings are also important today, professionally and personally. Decisions need to be made and you can’t take them without consulting others.

Clearly state your opinion!


You feel invincible today until you discover that everyone seems to be in for a fight today. Not that you’re afraid of that but how boring must it be to overpower opponents during the entire day? Don’t head into all confrontations. You could receive some money from an inheritance. Try to discretely find out what your partner spends a lot of money on. Difficulties within a relationship will be solved if you are honest.

Avoid negative people!


Your thoughts are dark and cloudy. This is a period of deep knowledge and insights that can be life changing. The more you see, the more you learn and the more you will grow eventually. Your mental talents will be highlighted. It is a good time to think big and to be innovating. Are you stuck in a certain situation? Approach the problem from a different side.

Take a different look at things!


Schedules and details are a priority today and that’s a perfect start. You will have to count on a change in your daily routine so you’ll have to adjust those schedules again. That’s nothing new to you because you notice that all kinds of things mess up your planning lately. Don’t you have an endless sexy feeling? Go into town now and buy some new lingerie. You’ll look stunning.

Try something new!


Don’t get dragged into a company matter, which you aren’t responsible for. Stick with your decisions and don’t change your opinion even if the whole situation is sensitive. An official gathering will be less annoying than you thought at first. It won’t take you any effort to start working. You actually feel like it. If you are still single it is a good time to make work out of a relationship.

Stand up for your own opinion!


People take you very seriously today. It is a good day to discuss new plans and meetings. Wait until later on the day though because you will have to deal with some tensions at the start of the day. You have the feeling you have to defend your territory and you react in a very emotional way. That actually isn’t like you at all but if something comes too close, it will happen.

You can make some serious changes!


19 July 2012


You feel reborn and you have the idea you can take on anything. That’s feels great, such a clean sheet! Today you will be amongst the best of your circle of friends and that’s fantastic news. It will become a very pleasant day/evening. Your curiosity is peaking and you are open to new experiences. You will make contact with others more easily.

A brand new you!


It would be best to keep a low profile today. If you get some criticism you don’t really how to handle it right now. It will hit you in the face. You will need some time to let it settle in. This is not the day to get into it. Postpone important meetings if you can. You take a lot of things personal today. There is no need for that at all.

The sun will shine, tomorrow!


A quiet day awaits you. Unfortunately it will just be silence before the storm. After today you are full of energy again. Today it’s important to hit the breaks and to enjoy the simple things. Spend time with your family and friends. Call them up to meet up. It will make you feel good to be around them. They love you just the way you are.

Time to breathe!


Life feels a bit more serious today. You will start rethinking your career and your work. You can only think about your ambitions. You want to rise higher. The upcoming week will be tough but very successful if you play it smart. Don’t pretend you know more than you really do because that will only backfire. Be honest and confident. That’s all you really need to do.

Use your talents!


It is time to sleep in and organize all the clutter around the house. Your apartment or house could use some cleaning up. You reach a phase of transformation. That makes this a good time to change the things that you haven’t liked for quite a while. It could happen that you bump into someone who flips your world upside down. Open up and don’t be afraid of the changes.

Embrace the changes!


You could be a little bit too intense today and scare off people by the way you communicate. You are so in touch with your emotions that you forget to control them now and then, especially in open conversations with friends, loved ones and family members. Don’t do anything you’ll regret later. You probably already know what it’s about so be careful with what you say.

Choose your words wisely!


You could feel a bit less energetic than usual but that’s not a surprise after the busy days you have had. Fortunately your ambitions and your will to succeed are rising high. When you find the right balance between your confidence and being careful you will be able to make your dreams come true. The upcoming days you’ll have oceans of energy. You can say more, do more and be more than on any other average day.

Create what you want to create!


The words that someone around you uses might be painful but the message is a good one. The story holds truth and if you take some distance from the stars you saw at first, you can see that you really can work with this information. Are you moody all of a sudden? Don’t worry. It happens to everyone, including you. Just let it blow over and things will be all right again.

Look at the big picture!


There is a social vibe in the air. You might suddenly feel like meeting up with friends. You might get in touch with someone you have been willing to get to know better. Just do it. It will be very cosy. Social media is fun of course but today you need real human contact. You prefer staring at a face today instead of staring at a screen.

Get out and mingle!


Are you a daredevil? Do something completely new and crazy today. Yes, it might be scary at first but you’ll feel great afterwards. Just the thought you had the courage to do it will provide you with a boost. There is a big chance for an extraordinary encounter and you have to pay attention because Cupid is always around. If you know how to catch his attention, he could point his arrows to you and the one you have liked for quite some time now.

Take the jump!


You are extremely curious today and you would like to be a part of every conversation. Keep in mind that not everyone will be happy with that. It’s allowed to listen to everything but control the urge to ask everything to everyone. You already know you can fulfil your tasks and obligations. Your confidence will get higher. Don’t be tempted to participate in discussions about sensitive or controversial subjects.

Just listen, don’t talk!


Good friends will make today a memorable day. Even if you would just like to spend some time alone, the phone will keep on ringing and people will come to visit. Be friendly even if you don’t feel like it. If you have started dating someone recently you will finally figure out if (s)he really fits you or not. That could bring some surprises along.

Be sweet and kind!

20 July 2012


It would be wise to also appreciate the people that don’t live according to your pattern. You don't know everything and you make mistakes in life as well. You can learn a lot from others. You are more aware of handling your time schedule today than usual. Selective attention can be practical and there is nothing wrong with it at all. When you sort out your priorities you’ll be able to work in a very efficient way.

Open your eyes and learn!


 It won’t ask any effort to take the lead or the initiative today. Your ideas will attract attention. Don’t be tempted into talking in an impatient manner or to using a demanding tone when interacting with others. You are ready to pick up a slower pace today. The less people around you, the better. You don’t always have to be social. Stay at home tonight, if you feel like it, with a good movie or a good book.

Be professional!


Grab offered opportunities that can change your life with both hands like being able to work from home. You might decide to buy a caravan and travel around the world. It’s a great day to teach children a life lesson. You have carte blanche to think about nothing but love and sex. The people around you make it a little extra obsessive. There is nothing wrong with that.

Time for something new?


You feel extra caring today. Instead of rushing into things you suddenly feel like taking care of the people around you. It feels great not to be a workaholic for a day, right? Enjoy this relaxed mood that envelops you. You could worry about situations that you don’t know how to handle or that you can’t control. Financial matters could cause worrying as well. Try to find a different point of view.

Take a look at things from another side!


Lately certain things cost you a lot of effort and now you solve them in the blink of an eye. Maybe you were looking at it from a negative point of view and it was hard for you to see the little things. Your personal life will be in the spotlights. Your main problem could be your work and how you can find the perfect balance with your family life. It is good time to discuss this with your loved ones.

Shift your view from negative to positive!


An underlying matter could give a different meaning to what seemed rational. Fortunately you are strong enough to handle this. Don’t hesitate to bring out the truth if this is relevant for the case. It could be that you’re quite troubled with yourself today. There is something bothering you but you are too proud to show it. If you’d share, you would have a friend to help you out.

Confide in a friend!


If you have a family the mood will be pleasant and cosy today. You find the peace you really need at home. Enjoy it to the fullest. At work things will be pretty chaotic. You could be tired and emotional. Research your way of life and your health. People around you could be a little bit jealous but you’re not to blame. Read up on alternative healing, like acupuncture for example.

Don’t bring the chaos home!


After a hectic period your relationship finally gets some more peace. And that was really necessary. Irritations at work will surface. You have been hiding them lately but that’s no longer possible. You could talk to a good friend or your partner about it, couldn’t you? (S)he is willing to find a solution with you and you don’t have to carry the burden alone anymore.

Share your worries!


You are tired of your looks but don’t be impulsive and throw everything out. You’ll regret it later. You are very diplomatic and you talk just as long as it’s needed to get the chill out of the air. That works well. Your pattern of spending isn’t looking very positive. The temptations are too big. Your caring nature will pop up again. No hungry stomach will be found when you are near.

You bring warmth wherever you go!


If you want to reach something you just have to start working for it. This is a good time to do so because you suddenly have the courage to do things you only dared to dream of before. After all the madness from yesterday today will feel like a calming balm. Everyone is a lot more peaceful and friendlier. Use this calm mood to work on the bases your life: your body, your house, and your possessions. Postpone complex matters.

Take time to retreat!


It is a perfect day to dedicate to art, religion, poetry, music or spiritual subjects. Someone in need could ask for your advice and you are probably able to offer a different perspective that will lead to a solution. You cause a lot of drama today. While the rest of the world is trying to be serious, you just lure people out of their houses to play.

Life is a game!


Ideas that you have been walking around with for quite some time need to be turned into actions soon. Show others that you mean it and that you are passionate. That will impress them more than the ‘it’s a possibility’-attitude. You want them to take you seriously of course. Even though it can take an effort to do something people expect from you, there is no other choice. Be patient with someone whom is slower than you.

Show how serious you are!


21 July 2012


Make sure you show your face at all the drinks or parties today, especially if you are still single. Even though you don’t really feel like going anywhere, it promises to be pleasant. If you want to avoid an argument within the family or during a discussion you will have to be very tactful. Someone you love can simply be unbearable today. It takes an effort to control your anger.

Tact is your best friend today!


Make sure you start the weekend well. Turn it into something healthy, for example by talking a long walk. And make a nice breakfast afterwards, with little breads and an egg, some juice and a cup of tea. Exercising for half an hour will be useful as well. Staying at home certainly isn’t an option. You like to know the latest gossip in your circle of friends and you won’t hear it when you are in front of the television. So go out and mingle.

Take things slowly and enjoy it!


Things could start to rumble within the family. You don’t pick your family and it is possible certain members don’t really get along well. It would be wise to keep your distance as much as possible because nothing is riskier than choosing sides. Be careful with every action you do and stay calm. By rushing situations that lead to accidents could happen. Be extra careful with machines.

Don’t get in the middle of things!


There is some restlessness around you and it seems as if people are less tolerant. Even though your mind is strong and full of life, you could loose your motivation by the lack of enthusiasm. Don’t let things get you down. If you give in somewhere you’ll only create more chaos. Not a lot of exciting things will happen today. Fortunately you don’t mind that. You are longing for a day to just hang around.

A slow day to gather your strength!


You thought you had a quiet day planned. Unfortunately you will have to do a lot more than you planned in the first place. You can only try your best, right? Your bank account has known better days. That long-live-the-fun attitude is costing you a lot now. You might have to take a big decision about something. Don’t rush into it because it can have a lot of consequences. Think well about it and consider all the pro’s and cons.

Be flexible!


This will be a crucial day for love. If you have had doubts for some time now, you can’t ignore them anymore. You feel a giant urge to tell him/her the truth. When you do, be as open and honest as possible. You have the time to re-establish contact with people you haven’t seen for a while because of being too busy or having no time. If you take your calendar, you will see you have had some moments where you could have met up.

Don’t neglect your loved ones!


Your relationship isn’t going smoothly. Something is going on and (s)he is afraid to tell you. Create some space and don’t be judgmental. Just retreat within yourself for a bit. You don’t have to be outside all the time today and you love that. Finally you can enjoy your own cosy home. Wear something comfortable and hang around in the house that will recharge you completely, physically and mentally.

Don’t jump to conclusions!


If you are still single you suddenly find the courage to approach someone and when you are already in a relationship you finally find the courage to ask that question that’s been on your mind for so long. This could gain you something beautiful. You dare to do more than usual, so use this. You are very sensitive, but today you can handle anything. You are very strong and powerful, especially when you think about your soft side. Good friends know that very well.

You are very courageous!


It is time to take your intuition seriously. It whispers a lot of things to you but why should you just think: ‘I already thought so’ when things are already done. That doesn’t get you anywhere and that’s not the meaning of intuition. This day will be about cosines. Do you have some free time? Get in touch with the people you love. Just ring them up, drop by… Difficulties will be solved with more ease than usual.

Listen to your inner voice!


You suddenly are very fanatical and ambitious, especially when it comes to fitness and d health. Is that caused by the fact that you let go a little too much last week? You feel active so it’s a good time for some yoga lessons and some jogging in the park. You are in touch with parents or older family members today. You like spending time with them. You could drop by for a cup of coffee.

Don’t push it to extremes!


You could have to face the fact that you have neglected your chores around the house. When you start cleaning up, do it at your own pace. It is Saturday after all! There is no rush. Everything you can get done now is something extra. Have the courage to give yourself. You can be extremely diplomatic. This is the right moment to settle differences. Don’t be so stubborn as usual but be willing to make compromises.

Get rid of some clutter!


When you are honest about everything you will hurt that certain person the least. Keep in mind that (s)he will need some distance because this all new for him/her. It is time for a big clean up. Vacuum under the couch and clean out all corners of the house. These things will have to be done by you because the chores won’t magically disappear. Once you start you’ll see that you’ll be able to clean up quickly.

Ready, set, go!


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