Horoscopes Archive > Daily Horoscopes 22 - 28 August 2013

Daily Horoscopes

22 - 28 August 2013


22 August 2013


It’s not a bad thing to remind someone of a promise (s)he made. Promises need to be kept. You have enough guts to step up and say something about it. Everyday life is boring you. The routine is starting to get at you. You want some excitement in your life. All kinds of unexpected things will happen today though. You are too generous, Aries, this could turn into a real problem.

Spice up your life!


You’ll be able to handle some things and find closure. This will make it easier for you to let go of certain things. You were struggling with this for quite some time. Now you finally feel free. Your sex life will peak as well. Your partner might want to experiment. The passion has returned to the both of you. You can have so much fun together. Explore and enjoy!

Life is sparkling!


You can really stay focused as long as the subject interests you. If you don’t really like it though, it’s not easy for you to even fake some interest. There is nothing wrong with selective attention but don’t be rude. Be careful with your time. You can use it in a much more efficient way. Straighten out your priorities and you’ll be able to reach some amazing results.

Believe in yourself!


Appreciate the people for who they are. They don’t have to agree with your opinions or wishes. Everyone is unique and that should be cherished. Different people make your life much more interesting. You are allowed to make mistakes, Cancer. It’s the only way to learn some things. Try your best to avoid an argument and keep a low profile.

Be yourself!


Don’t give up, Leo, even if you are discouraged. You should just keep on going even if you don’t like it. You don’t have a lot of energy and you will have to take some time to rest up now and then. It is wise to make a balance of your life if you’ve already worked for a couple of years. The puzzle pieces are finally falling into their places. Your family and friends bring out the best in you.

Keep on going!


From time to time you can feel a little bit lonely. It might be a good idea to join a club or something. This gives you the opportunity to easily meet other people. You have nothing to fear of the changes that are going on at work. You are finally seeing that you are almost there to reach your goal. You just have to finish up some details and you’ll be there. Isn’t that amazing?



Go out with that certain person and you’ll instantly discover if it’s going to work or not. You might be surprised by how well you get along. A lot of changes are happening in your professional and personal life. You didn’t see this coming. You are taken aback by it. Right now you shouldn’t depend on your intuition. Fortunately this period will only be temporarily and you’ll be walking around with confidence again soon.

Give it a shot!


You are spending too much money, Scorpio. You are always tempted to buy new things. You’re showing your caring side. You take care of everyone and make sure nobody is hungry around you. You are ready to take a friendship to a higher level. You’ve always been afraid to take this step but now you are really ready for it. You are sexy and sensitive at the same time and that’s very attractive.

Take a little risk!


You make promises you can’t keep because you already have so much work. Just admit that you don’t have the time. Right now you have to push yourself to the limit because of all those promises you have made. You feel a strong bond with someone you only know superficially. You sense what is going on in his/her mind but you can’t really put your finger on it. It might be worth the effort to come closer to this person. (S)he could use a friend.

Keep your promises!


You could help a friend with a certain task. (S)he is really struggling with it and is too ashamed to ask for help. The last loose ends are always the hardest to tie, Capricorn. Once you’ve done that you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labour. You will be very busy today. Everyone seems to be knocking on your door. You choose your words carefully but still nobody seems to understand what you are saying. It’s not your fault, Capricorn.

Try again another day!


You are afraid to take the first step if you are single and that’s a shame. There is a lot of love in the air. Don’t stay inside tonight but go out. It just seems as if everything goes wrong. Nobody wants to cooperate and this is bad for your energy levels. Take time to relax and sleep because you are doing so many things at the same time that it’s draining your energy.

Stop and catch your breath!


You are perfectly capable of concentrating today. It’s a great day if you need to do a presentation or go for a job interview. If you are single you might meet an interesting person. Sparks will fly. You will need to turn a necessity into a virtue in a certain situation. Don’t panic if you need to tackle a few obstacles on your path.

You are on a roll!


23 August 2013


When it involves matters that aren’t of any importance it’s okay to tell a white lie now and then. You often have a problem with being on time. It’s driving you crazy that you fall from one situation into another one. Take a good look at your calendar and maybe you’ll discover that you have planned too much on one day. You can divide your tasks and spread them over different days.

Good planning is half the work!


You are bursting with energy and this shows in your social life. You just need to make sure you have the right materials and information. At the end of the day your calendar for the weekend will be completely filled up with fun things to do. You can use that energy to get things done quickly so you can start with those pleasant things. It’s just what you need.

Don’t cross any lines!


You have the right people by your side to work on your latest project and that feels great. You realize how important it is to surround yourself with the right people. You can count on your best friends to support you and that’s wonderful. You are opening up to new experiences. Your curiosity is taking control. This will make it easy for you to establish new contacts.

Love your friends!


You surprise the people around you with the quirky side of your character. You don’t even realize you are doing something weird because for you these things are completely normal. Other people could be shocked because of it. Try to look at things from their point of view and see how they feel. Once you’ve done that you’ll be able to express yourself in a different way.

You’re not weird, you’re unique! 


Enjoy the small blessings in your life, Leo. You might forget something important if you are too busy. Use little tricks to strengthen your memory. Make sure you don’t forget anything. Something has been going on at work for a while now. This conflict will peak today. The bomb just explodes now and it only takes a small remark to set it off.

Make lists!


You are down at the bottom of a gloomy pit. Fortunately you can come up with the strength to start climbing out of it. Your energy levels are rising again as well. Your day will become a lot more pleasant because of that. You will solve that dark and gloomy situation once and for all. Don’t make things too hard on yourself, Virgo. You are doing a great job and everyone would have a hard time dealing with these kinds of things.

Nobody is perfect!


When you have a knack for saving your money you could exaggerate it today. It’s a good thing to keep an eye on your finances but you are crossing the lines. Loosen up a little bit, Libra. You don’t have to go out and throw your money around but it’s all right to spend something now and then. You feel as if you are having some time off but you are working. This isn’t having a good effect on your tasks. Don’t accept any invitations you don’t feel like, Libra. Be clear but kind and tell the person what is going on in your life at the moment.

You save every penny!


The pressure at work is really high today. You have so much on your to-do list and still you can’t concentrate on work. All you can think about is your home, family and friends. You were trying to meet all those deadlines and now you see that you have been neglecting your loved ones. You are just asking for problems. Set your priorities, Scorpio because you can’t continue like this. The people that love you will have had enough of it soon.

Show your love! 


You’ve felt better and fitter than you do today. You aren’t getting sick though, you just lack some energy. Reschedule your agenda and you’ll be able to get through the day. Your relationship isn’t really a dream relationship. You feel disappointed by your partner because (s)he can’t empathize with you. (S)he has a lot on his/her mind as well. You need to take that into account too.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables!


You react quite strongly today and the people around you don’t really know how to deal with that. You have no clue what is causing this. Take a good look at what is bothering you and work on this. Peace will return once you’ve figured it out and you will be yourself again. Don’t do too many exercises because you might sprain something.

Don’t explode!


You are facing a financial setback. You could ask a friend or family member for some help. Don’t be afraid to show you need some help now and then as well. You will discover who your real friends are. You are spending a lot of time with them so you start to notice things. You have to work for reaching your goals. It’s a good time because you dare to do things you only dared to dream about.

Follow your heart!


You are already thinking about all the fun you’re going to have in the weekend that you don’t want to work or study today. You have so much inspiration and you can’t wait to do something with it. You have made some great plans. Just make sure you don’t do too many things at once. You have the tendency to do that, Pisces.

Inspiration leads to creation!

24 August 2013


Don’t play hide and seek, Aries. It’s not the right time for that kind of game. People have expectations and you will disappoint them if you have nothing to show. Bite through the bitter pill. If you are single you might get tangled up in an exciting affair. Just let it come over you. Don’t worry about it too much. If you are in a relationship you might experience that your partner is restless. This will make you cranky.

Just do it!


Something is going on in your relationship and your partner is afraid to tell you about it. Things aren’t going so smoothly at the moment. Create some safe space for him/her and don’t jump to conclusions. It seems as if your responsibilities are piling up. You can do something about that though. Certain insecurities could really throw you off balance. You don’t want to have doubts about your financial situation or your love life.

Work on your health!


Let your feelings do the talking more often. You think you are an open book but a lot of people have no idea about what is going on in your life. You keep more things locked up inside of you than you realize. A friend organizes something pleasant. It might be something exclusively for you but it could also be an event for a bunch of friends. Don’t close your heart, Gemini. If you keep an open mind you’ll be able to experience exciting new things.

Let love guide you!


You are in the mood for spoiling someone or yourself. You might buy a gift or it might involve having a nice breakfast or taking a hot bath later on. Anything that makes you feel nice and cosy works today. You could run into troubles with someone with authority today. It seems as if (s)he wants to put you into a certain box. You don’t like that at all. You don’t want to be pinned down to something.

Be kind to yourself! 


Anything sweet you pass today will disappear into your mouth. You have such a hard time controlling yourself and just can’t resist it. Every ounce goes through the mouth though. You will be able to do a lot of things at home. The people that live with you will be very happy to have you around. Don’t rush when you need to take a decision. That’s the only way to avoid being disappointed.

All will be well!


You can’t hide on the background forever. You have doubts and you should be honest about it. The other person sees that as well, don’t you know that? Be honest with him/her and with yourself. Do some cleaning because you’ve been neglecting your household chores. These things don’t just disappear. You will have to take some time and do it. Plan it and start working.

Be honest!


If you have a commercial side in your character you’ll be able to close some really exciting deals. You know what to say and when to say it. You always seem to pick the right words and the right moment. If you are single you will have some positive results as well. You have no problem with working in a team. You can get rid of some clutter in and around your house. These chores will be handles so easily. Rake your garden or paint that room.

It’s going to be a positive day!


You will be able to restore the contact with some people you haven’t seen in such a long time because you didn’t have the time. You will notice that you have some gaps in your calendar that you can easily use to spend time with them. Why do you like these people? Ask yourself that and you will instantly notice that you really miss them. You have been locking yourself up lately. You need to get out more often, Scorpio.

Go out and have some fun! 


You could be confronted with situations that demand a lot of your imagination. You are overflowing with splendid ideas to make a change in the world. Use those ideas as soon as possible. You can’t look into the future but you have to remember that you are the one in charge of creating your own future. You won’t receive anything if you have nothing in mind.

Focus on what you really want!


Finally your financial situation is improving. You could spend a little money on something you like, for example a nice meal in a restaurant. Buy something you have wanted forever, Capricorn. This is going to be a very good day for single Capricorns. You might meet someone very exciting. It’s not necessarily material for a relationship but you can have a lot of fun together.

Have a pleasant day!


You can easily charm the people around you. You have to be careful though because once you’ve used your hypnotic charms there is no way to get rid of your victim. Play things safe, Aquarius. Everyone is taking you so serious today. Discuss some new plans and appointments. It’s a great day to start up a new project.

You enchant everyone!


Today will be a milestone for love, Pisces. You can no longer ignore the doubts you have been having. You feel an urge to tell your partner the truth. Be as open and honest as possible when you open up. Your partner doesn’t have a clue about what is going on so be careful with picking your words. (S)he might need some time to get his/her head around everything. Give him/her some space.

Be kind and caring!


25 August 2013


You effortlessly work hard today. You even feel like getting some real work done. If you are single the time has come to work on a relationship. You could subscribe to a dating service or you can accept that blind date. Cupid is aiming his arrows towards you. Be as flexible as possible. You can’t just expect people to jump when you say jump.

We all need love!


You might have to make an important decision about something, Taurus. Don’t do this overnight. The consequences could be gigantic. Think things through and make up a balance. You might even get a bit discouraged. Don’t let this get you down. Just make sure you have all the information you need and then you’ll be able to make the right decision. Relax, not everything will be as hard as this. You will soon get some time to restore your energy.

Everything will be better!


Details and diagrams will dominate your day. You will have to deal with a change in your daily routine. If you play it right, you can easily twist your schedules around. You notice that lately you have been challenged by unexpected things that mess up your plans all the time. That was just practice, this is the real thing. You really need to deal with an obstacle that has been there for a long time. Once you’ve done you’ll feel completely refreshed.

Stay flexible!


You can be really diplomatic today. You can now solve and settle arguments once and for all, Cancer. Just give in a little bit and get rid of that stubbornness for a moment. Read something about a subject you don’t know a lot about. It might even be a good idea to visit a museum. Broaden your horizon and be amazed by how good that feels. Listen to someone if you are having a conversation.

Have the courage to let go!


Your studies or career will be in the spotlights today. You can no longer ignore all the developments that are going on around you. It’s not going to be easy to make a decision. If you postpone it you’re just going to keep on worrying about the issue. Not making a decision is the same as choosing but the choice will be made for you. You don’t want that to happen because you probably won’t get the outcome you wanted.

Make up your mind!


You thought this was going to be a quiet day. You will have to deal with a lot more than you have planned, Virgo. You can just try your best. Your financial situation isn’t looking too bright at the moment. You have an outspoken opinion and you don’t hide it at all. Your loved ones need to learn to live with this. Try to spare them now and then. They have the right to have their own opinion too. They are not necessarily wrong if it differs from yours.

Chaos everywhere!


Things are happening at a lower pace today. It doesn’t hurt to have a little break. You don’t have to be out there all the time. Take a look at what has been happening lately and the lessons you have learned recently. You will discover a lot about yourself. Right now your world seems to be filled with black and whites. Where are the shades of grey?

Add some variety to your life!


Nothing exciting is planned for today and you don’t mind that at all. You finally get some time to do some chores around the house. You have been neglecting that lately. Do these tasks at your own pace. You don’t have to rush anything today. You can get it all done and even a little extra. Doesn’t that feel great?

Take your time! 


You are a bit confused. Should you visit friends or should you stay inside? The hermit inside you is battling with your social life. It’s not an easy choice to make. You are introverted but you also have an extravert side. Give attention to both sides and things will sort out. Why don’t divide your time? You can go out with friends for a little bit and then give into your urge to spend some time at home.

You can do it!


It’s not an option to stay at home today, Capricorn! You like to stay informed and on top of things. By staying in you won’t get hear about all the things that are going on in the lives of your friends. It seems as if the general mood is a bit down today but you succeed to brighten it up immediately. This makes your friends happy. If you are single you will get more than enough attention. Stay away from one-night-stands.

You can make someone smile!


There will be meetings, discussions and a lot of conversations today. You have to make decisions and you can’t take them without talking about them. People notice that you know what you want. Nobody overlooks you. People come to you for advice and they like to know how you feel about things. You have to let others share their opinion too, Aquarius. Different points of view could bring new insights.

Talk about what needs to happen!


Your parents matter a lot to you. They are always there for you when you need support or when you need some advice. You really enjoy their company. You could just drop by to say hi and show them how much you appreciate them. When you’ve started dating someone recently you will now discover if (s)he really fits with you. You might be in for a surprise.

Cherish your family!


26 August 2013


27 August 2013


28 August 2013



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