Horoscopes Archive > 2012 > 09 > Daily Horoscopes 15 - 21 September 2012

Daily Horoscopes

15 - 21 September 2012


15 September 2012


You quickly are scared to loose your territory especially when you invite people over. When you do that more often you will notice that the feeling isn’t justified. You are perfectly able to do your own thing with a lot of friends and acquaintances. You are more emotional than usual and because of that today won’t be a good day to get mixed up into any discussions. You could be overly possessive or even jealous of someone close to you.

You are a wonderful person!


You could spontaneously feel the urge to shift jobs this weekend but you better not. Calm down, there is a big chance that you will change your mind again tomorrow. And if you don’t, work towards your goals with pleasure. Clean up your living environment. Fresh paint on the walls, new cover on the couch, some new accessories, it doesn’t have to be anything drastic or tough. You’ll feel great in your old new house!

Little things can make big changes!


Today will consist of little steps instead of big jumps. There is nothing wrong with slowing down a bit and to think about all the different options. That doesn’t mean you have to loose yourself in details. It is more about paying attention and feeling love for what you do. Try to live in the moment and enjoy the things around you. Love is very promising. There could be an interesting chemistry between you and someone new.

Fill your life with love!


You really feel the urge to pack up and go on a trip. Is it hard for you to think about anything else than exotic places, foreign accents and hip towns that need to be discovered? Know that this is the good time to book something or to travel. The knowledge you have gathered over the years will be practical now. Allies are important because a person could have some direct but also hidden enemies.

Count on others!


Use this day to get as much done as possible because from tomorrow on you’ll have to do with less energy. Did you ignore or push away the problems of your partner? Then this is the moment to work on it. The mood is expecting but don’t rush and don’t act impulsive. Rushing is never a good thing. Situations change and a responsibility that you took on have to be reviewed now.

Open up to conversation!


Your day has a great start and it makes you feel great for a long time. Don’t forget to react to that message because it will be expected from you. Fortunately you can share your good news with a lot of people today. Your relationship is running smoothly and that feels good. The pessimistic mood you are in at the moment clouds your view on reality. You have accomplished important things.

A day to remember!


It is a day that would be wasted at home. You are so busy with the people around you that you forget yourself. Make sure you stay your own priority. You have to sort out your own things first before you help out others. Your sex life will get a great boost today. It has been simmering for a while but that’s finally changing. Don’t be so prudish and let go.

Enjoy your sensuality!


Finally you are getting a head start on the competition. You often feel as if you are running behind facts but this time you are the one that knows everything. What a glorious feeling that is! It could be that you are more quiet than usual but that’s not a bad thing. Things at home will be your focus of attention in the next few days. Is there someone who doesn’t want to believe you? Let it go. That’s healthier than going for the battle.

Don’t let anyone pull you down!


Stop by at that new shop today where you can find some ideas or take a look at some trendy shopping windows. That way you could find some inspiration for a new wardrobe or a new interior. You will also see it could be a good idea to combine the things in another way than usual. Things will get a fresh look. Keep an eye on your budget if you are going shopping. You perfectly sense your partner’s feelings. Don’t let it just be that. Talk about the signals you are picking up.

Be creative!


Even though it sounds scary it would be a good idea to open up your computer and clean it carefully. You wouldn’t want it to break down because of dirt of dust all of a sudden. If you do that kind of things you will be busy with other things than usual and you make yourself useful as well. Make sure matters become clear and try to talk things through as soon as possible. That will prevent weird glances and you will restore the relationship with the people that are involved.

Do something odd!


You feel the need to have more balance in your life. You have the idea you are only living up to responsibilities and you no longer have time for yourself. Too much stress could affect your immune system. Don’t work too long. It is a day off, so take the day off of all thoughts. There are wise ways to reach the end of that to-do list. If you stick to just worrying you won’t make any progress.

Leave your worries behind for a day!


You feel the need to do something for people that have less than you. See if you can do some volunteer work or maybe donate money for a good cause. You might even start up an action yourself! If you have a good voice you could please others by performing. Don’t be ashamed and step onto the stage. Your finances will be in the spotlight and that gives you the possibility to make improvements.

You have a good heart!


16 September 2012


Physically your energy level has reached a new historic low. You even have a hard time getting out of bed. Fortunately your brain is working perfectly. Make sure the focus is there. Give your body a break. There are changes happening in your life but you can’t see them from the outside. You are changing things as well. You are at the dawn of a new period. That means dissatisfaction will surface.

Give yourself a break!


This day will appear to be a romantic comedy. You have your eye on someone but the way to reach him/her is cluttered with obstacles. It’s become time that you take your body seriously. If you have any complaints, it’s time to visit a doctor. Don’t get discouraged by tiredness and fear. Transform your negative moods into positive thoughts. Smile when you feel sadness surfacing. Go outside if you’d like to crawl away under the sheets.

Pay attention to the signals!


The intense energy you have felt lately is starting to lessen and you will be more relaxed today than you have been all week. Make time to do something fun, something decadent, just because you can. You have earned it. You could end up in situations where good communication really matters. Don’t assume that others think or wish the same thing as you do.

Spoil yourself!


You feel incredibly creative today and that could cause shifts in your relationship with kids or your partner. That will last for some time from now on. A romance that blossoms now will have a lot of effect on you. A coincidental encounter could unexpectedly turn into something romantic. YOU kind of had a vague feeling something like this might happen but you didn’t imagine it to be this way.

Go with the flow!


You feel very homely and that on a Sunday. Seems as if it were planned this way. You don’t have any stress and aren’t bothered by obliged family visits. You even feel like meeting your family. You will get the chance to strengthen your bonds with them. Be open and honest and feel how good that feels. You like being well prepared so just wait until you feel safe and comfortable enough to say anything.

Make yourself feel at home!


Your focus lies within. You are very occupied by your dreams. Socializing isn’t your thing at the moment. It is a better idea to crawl onto the couch with a nice movie or a good book. The past few days have been intense. That mood isn’t completely gone now but everything will go smoother from now on. A good time to do the things you left lying around.

Finish your to-do list!        


Your partner could be sending contradicting messages. Apart from what you are going to do, you could get caught up in a feeling of restlessness that will tell you to let things be and to join a social or sports event. During a gathering you could run into some old friends. Think of it as a compliment when they tell you, you have changed. A decision could influence your life. You might have to take another look at your budget.

Changes can be good!


Your talent in communicating is based on a strong intuition. You get a lot of things done by delegating and working together. You will easily think of quick and inventive ways to solve problems. You read something, which will make you aware of the fact that you really have to take a decision about that one situation. Choose the things you really want to do more often and don’t postpone decisions for too long.

Be proud of yourself!


You feel hurt by someone but you can let it go. That one remark probably wasn’t even saying something about you. It’s a good thing you no longer give it any attention. This weekend was hectic and not completely positive. You finally have some time to spend on your own now. Make room for that even when your calendar is completely filled up. You need to spend more time with your partner.

Create some space!


You could be very productive today if you mingle amongst people. There could be some business opportunities as well, even on a Sunday. Don’t be tempted into n attitude that is too optimistic though. If you are an artist you will be very successful with an exhibition or performance. If you are on the move you will pass by new things. Things that are worth discovering and that are challenging to you.

Don’t stay at home!


You prefer more realistic promises before you decide you want something or not. That’s what you are saying. It will go differently though and you could be surprised by a brilliant vision. It wouldn’t hurt to go along with it. This day will evolve around your relationship with money. Everything is about earning so much money that you can be a big spender. Make a list of the things you want to achieve and work on that.

Make a plan!


Thinking in a creative way will get you a long way today. Turn your home into a residence where you escape the outside pressure. If you have tried your best, everything will work out smoothly. If you have planned a day away you will have a great time. If it’s possible you should reserve this day for your loved ones. You will gain energy for the upcoming period and you really need it.

Enjoy the breeze!


17 September 2012


Make sure happy people surround you because you have the tendency to get a bit down. It could help if you clean up your house and create some space in your head. Take a good look around. There is someone who is really eager to help you to start up a certain project. Get in touch with former colleagues if you are looking for a job. They know what a hard worker you are. Stay discrete in all circumstances.

Don’t say too much!


During a business meeting you will make an impression and your chance for success will improve. You could have so much energy that you can hardly contain it. Don’t make any impulsive decisions. You would get an unexpected invitation. Ask yourself if you should accept it or not. To your friends it is hilarious to see how you get yourself into troubles over and over again.

Try to set some limits!


You could feel a bit discouraged today. You might have been fighting against windmills like Don Quichote for too long. You feel as if you haven’t gained anything. Is that really a fact? Grab the opportunity if you can work at home today. You could be nervous because you are worried. You can easily deal with the work that is expected of you. Don’t let your pride get in between your loved one and you.

Don’t give up!


Foreign relationships could get in touch with you and you will have to act quickly if you want to take advantage of that. If you are working in the educational field you could have to deal with a collision of egos. Don’t get mixed up in it or feel challenged. At work you’re not really making any progress. Don’t be afraid to let something lie around for a while. You can look at it some other time from a fresh angle. You will notice you will see things much more clearer than.

Don’t do everything at once!


Improve your efficiency. Some opportunities to do business with someone in a foreign country could come along. Don’t irritate your loved ones by being unreasonable. It won’t get you any friends if you are being senseless. It is great that you want to solve the problems of the entire world. Try it close to home at first though. You think too big from time to time and this makes you fail.

Go wild!


This is going to be a great day for relationships and friendships. You will experience some pleasant hours and you laugh a lot as well. Cosiness is the right word and you want to go to the pub with your friends this evening. You could have some problems with one certain friend today. You are disagreeing about something important and that will create a strong difference of opinions. You don’t have to save the peace at any cost.

Stand up for yourself!


Be honest about what you really think of something today. This is for your own good. You won’t feel loyal to yourself otherwise and that will start to haunt you. Get read of being dreamy today. By being grounded you will get the best results. Do as you always do: follow your mind and choose that what keeps life simple. There could be a family conflict. Your idea about a certain celebration isn’t compatible with their view on it.

Find a compromise!


As long as you know you are loved and appreciated you think it’s fine to dedicate oceans of time and energy in relationships, jobs and all kinds of projects. But today you feel held back all of a sudden. What is going on? Are you scared you won’t get as much in return as you have invested? If you don’t want to ruin the mood at a gathering you will have to make an effort. If you stick to your opinion, this could turn into a tough day.

It’s all about giving and taking!


It might be time to finally get upset with that person who seems to sabotage you all the time. There are other ways too though. A pillow could be a great boxing alternative or go for a sprint. Let go of some steam today. You seem to be a kettle that has been under pressure for too long. There have been enough alarming signals but you have been ignoring them.

Create some space to breathe!


Find out what went wrong financially. You might even be able to prevent things from getting any worse by a simple phone call. Others could exhaust you. Distinguish the ones you really need and the ones you don’t. It is time to show what you have got! The more generous you are and the more you can mean to others, the nicer the day will be. It is all a matter of how much you are prepared to give.

Show your good heart!


This is going to be a prosperous day, nice appointments or not. Your phone keeps on ringing and a lot of people pop over. You have a great conversation with your partner. Everything becomes a lot clearer all of a sudden. A good friend is the best company for you today. Relax and have fun. A good talk, nice food and a glass of wine will make your day perfect.

Expect the unexpected!


Your brains are working overtime today. One brilliant idea after the other pops up and you feel as if you could head into a hundred different directions. Try to focus on one thing at a time. That is the only way not to get discouraged. One of the most stressful jobs of the year is on the program. This day is meant to get some concrete things done, especially when it comes to networking.

One by one!

18 September 2012


Expect some surprising events. If the walls seem to close in on you today, don’t stay inside but go out. All kinds of obligations seem to keep you from doing that. Take a critical look and see if they are really obligations. Grab a chance to develop your career. You can go a long way by taking small steps as well. Love could hit you all of a sudden and take away every doubt you have.

Things are getting serious!


You could be amazed by your own artistic qualities. Don’t let your urge for perfectionism hold you back. Tension could build up between you and a colleague. You will never come to an agreement if you are not willing to find a compromise. There is a conflict at work and you can probably only solve it in one way. You will have to retreat at a certain moment.

Fighting isn’t always the best solution!


Even though you are in a steady relationship, it doesn’t hurt to innocently flirt once in a while. It will acknowledge that you are worth it and it will break through the routine. Take a decision today if you really want to change jobs. Your judgment is pure now you feel peace inside. Don’t take on more than you can carry though. The people that cross your path find you fascinating. You can turn the most normal things into something exciting.

You are a breath of fresh air!


Plans that have been simmering could be executed today. Your loved ones take you seriously and support you. That is very important to you. A conversation about possessions will go slowly but honest. Listen to the advice you get. Be selective in choosing your friends. You might be wiser than you think. That isn’t unthinkable, is it? You are nervous about an appointment. That is useless. You can’t predict how someone else will react.

Be confident!


Unfortunately things aren’t looking great financially. Because of this you can’t do what you feel like at the moment. Try to be creative because not everything that is fun costs money. A lot of things are happening today, at home and at work. Projects are finally finished or things fall into place all of a sudden. It won’t be a quiet and peaceful day. That’s for sure. It doesn’t bother you though. You like being in the middle of chaos.

So much to do!


A very lucrative day awaits you. This day is all about money. A good moment to meet up with accountants and financial advisors. You like playing safe but today you can easily make and save money. You can count on success without worries. That’s great! The end of the day might be a bit hectic at home so make sure you get everything done on time.

Money is flowing!


At this moment the focus lies on deep psychological transformation. Take at least a few minutes time to focus within. Meditation will create the peace that usually is a problem for you to find. Keep in mind that the sun can’t always keep on shining. Not everything will go spotless. Today you could run into an old youth friend. That promises to be fun.

Explore your inner soul!


You are living in a daze at the moment but try to look at the situation from a different angle. Everything has two sides. Try to empathize with that person more. Prepare for a quiet day. You can do whatever you want and so you will. Sometimes your family members or roommates won’t be happy about that. Try to take them into account more often. That way you keep the peace.  You won’t score, unfortunately if you are single.

Keep others in mind!


You could perfectly work on your social network today. You will get in touch with people that can help you along the way. Dot the i’s with these connections. There is a big chance that you have been dreaming more intensely and weirder for the past few days. It is a good idea to write those dreams down so you can analyse. Emotional situations could reach a boiling point. Make sure you can vent or you’ll get stuck.

Focus on the details!


You feel an intense and emotional energy and that isn’t really your thing. You just don’t feel good around all that mushy stuff. When people demand heavy emotional things or when they are overly sensitive you feel suffocated and get cramped up. You have a lot of self-discipline. When you have put your mind on something you will finish it. If you are single you may have an exciting and refreshing encounter. Give into your feelings.

You are very courageous!


You work towards your goals and the peace that radiates from you has a positive effect on the people around you. Some relaxing has worked well for you. Store some energy for the upcoming days. If you are in a relationship or not, you won’t lack any romance today. Passion is strong between the sheets and you can really enjoy that. At work you will get a great offer. See if you still have some time for this.

Save some energy!


When you work logical and as efficient as possible you will automatically feel more at ease. The chaos around you will become less panicky as well. Don’t forget to take time to rest because that easily slips your mind. If you are in a hard-working mood there will be a special trend: if you have ever had the plan to start a club this is the good time to start.

Do something crazy!


19 September 2012


Insecurity about the direction you should follow could make you doubt your career. Even though you glow with happiness, you could need to deal with moody types during the day while an appointment could suddenly be cancelled. You feel the need to create space around you and you will have the tendency to get rid of a lot of things you have been saving for years. Don’t throw everything away though.

Keep on smiling!


Some confusing messages could reach you. Don’t base your decisions on rumours. Wait until you have the facts. Your social life is entering a new phase. The contact with neighbours and family members will intensify. Money is flying out of your wallet. Fortunately you will have a windfall and this will control the damage. You are full of ideas but it takes an effort to act according to your plans.

Don’t listen to gossip!


It is the ideal time to flirt. If you don’t have any plans for tonight yet, make sure you arrange something last minute. Even in that pub around the corner you could have a great night but meeting up with friends is a good idea as well. You don’t have the energy to deal with all the things that are lying around. Ask yourself if you don’t want too much at once. Be happy with the situation you are in.

Don’t always want more!


Use your puppy face look on your parents or your partner and maybe they will be prepared to help you out with something. Don’t go beyond the people that are so close to you because you don’t want to be in debt with someone you don’t really know that well. Finally something is happening again. There seems to be some movement in your life. This could concern love or your career. Grab the chances that cross your path.

Don’t doubt yourself!


A situation that had something to do with further education could end now and could be the final piece of a long period of studying. A discussion could get out of hand, unless you are tactful and diplomatic. Do you feel endlessly sexy? If you don’t, you should do anything to feel that way today. You will get the chance to blossom. You are so tempting. Isn’t that great?

You can do anything you want!


People that oppose to your ideas could be right. As soon as you take a better look at your plans you will understand why. Working together will give the best results. Problems with a good friend need some time. You are been tossed back and forth between love and your career. Both demand your undivided attention and you find it hard to choose. The solution: give all your time to one thing in the morning and to the other in the afternoon.

Divide and conquer!


Today it is important to change things. Declutter your wardrobe, get rid of rusted thinking patterns and broaden your horizon. There is nothing wrong about flipping the world upside down for once. You are in the mood to mix and mingle. On top of that you are able to communicate in a sharper and more poetic way than usual. Words and thoughts were never this beautiful before. It doesn’t take you any effort.

You are a smooth talker!


You feel good and some good news will reassure you. Whatever you have to do in public will work out well. Try to spend less money if you are on a tight budget or you will have to work on something for a longer period of time than you would like. Enjoy all the attention today, the power of attraction and the social vibe you are feeling. Tomorrow things won’t go as smooth as now but today everyone will be sweet and kind.

Enjoy the vibe!


You are longing for the comfort of your home, of the past and the sweetness of your youth. There are so many changes going on in the world around you and your personal life. That can be tough from time to time. You have to make a strong effort but you keep control over the situation. This day will ask what is needed from you but because of your perseverance that won’t be a problem. Just persevere and everything will be all right.

Believe in your own qualities!


Normally you aren’t very talkative but today you know how to find the right words and to say how you feel about something. It is a great day to discus misunderstandings or to finally make a decision about a much discussed subject. Life seems to be smiling at you again. You have gone through a small dip but you are getting back on your feet now. You feel good and you don’t lack any cash.

Things are looking sunny!


Nothing really special will happen today. Everything is just going its way. There is no reason to worry even though you sometimes think there is. Stay relaxed and avoid panic. You will get the chance to balance your budget and to increase your income. You might even negotiate about a better salary. Talk to your superior before (s)he is off for a few days.

Just another day!


There is something about good causes that attracts you today. You feel the need to stand up for people that face worse things in life. In your enthusiasm you drag along everyone around you. Pay attention when signing a contract. Read the fine print as well. You will get a dozen of compliments today. Some nice and pleasant hours will await you tonight. Make sure you meet up with friends.

You have your heart in the right place!

20 September 2012


Think about it. You have always worked hard for your success. Make sure you don’t push it too hard. You will get there, don’t worry. Think about your health first. And keep other people in mind as well. Even though probably nobody will notice it, something has changed in your life. Your development got into a rapid and you want to continue the way you are going.

Focus on your career!


It will take you some effort to start going today. If it’s possible take the morning of. Mind your language when you are in company, especially at work. You could just say something that will be used against you later on. That will give you sleepless nights. Prevent it! You like taking care of your family, kids and/or pets. That is great of course but unfortunately you don’t have enough energy to do it all alone.

Ask for help!


Don’t be the victim of your overly sensitiveness to the moods of others. You might use your involvement in an organization that helps people that are in need. Offer a listening ear to a friend whom has problems. Your career grows wings today. Try to use this moment to the fullest. Some important people notice you and if you are looking for a job, your resume will outshine all the others.

You make an impression!


Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. That’s what it’s all about today. More than usual you get distracted by everything that is more interesting than what you are doing right at this moment. Today you have an extraordinary ability to focus on all kinds of things. Try to do all those annoying chores in no time. Ask people for help. That doesn’t only make it easier, but a lot more fun as well. At work there will be a disagreement.

Finish what you start!


Believe in yourself. All the problems will be solved eventually. You will get a lot further when you are confident, in love as well. If you are struggling with a difficult deadline, you have to talk about this with your superior in a calm manner. It is important to keep a realistic view on things, no matter how hard that is. Make some time for a good conversation with a friend. (S)he will shed new light on the situation.

Show some initiative!


Don’t get into a fight with your boss because the consequences could be nastier than you think. Postpone this for a while. You will have calmed down and your boss will be more ready to talk. Think about what you want to say precisely. Focus on positive things today because there are a lot of them floating around. Today you will suddenly become the most attractive and interesting person that is walking around. Use your charms wherever you can.

Avoid difficult confrontations!


Watch out that you don’t unexpectedly get entangled in a struggle for power, in your relationship and at work. A soon as you notice that someone finds it extremely important to get what (s)he wants, or to prove (s)he is right, make sure you don’t get manipulated. You are really looking forward to an upcoming family event, at home or with your family. Your energy level will influence you though. Because of all the chaos you won’t have a lot of energy left to really enjoy it.

Take a well-deserved break!


Recognize the big relationships in the world and look beyond what is obvious. Otherwise the walls that you have built by your own living circumstances will imprison you. Why are you in your own way? That what you have been struggling with for a while could suddenly be solved. Obligations could have a happy reason but don’t do more than you are comfortable with. Limit the relationship with a colleague to an innocent flirt.

Don’t exaggerate!


Politics on the work floor could turn dirty with lots of backstabbing. Stay calm, keep your distance and don’t spread rumours. Keep your eyes and ears open. Mind your health. Investing in it now could save you a lot of pain and money in the future. The focus will shift to the homely sides of life today. Your house and family are very important. You might think about moving or a new housemate.

Keep an open mind!


Your confidence increases every day and this makes it able for you to put some things on paper in a very clear way. Don’t be afraid. Your work will pass the strictest test. Your work method will be followed and people will praise your initiatives. Shift your furniture or paint the walls in a new colour. Sometimes something like that is just the impulse you need to get a fresh, new look on things. You will have to do it on your own for now, but that is not a problem for you at all.

Change little things!


Your day is all about communication and because of that everything you say has an extra meaning. You are in the speaking and listening zone, which makes verbal activities even more important than usual. Time for e-mails, doodles and tweets! You might have been a bit too thoughtful lately? That’s probably the reason you feel a bit restricted right now.

Communication is the key!


You are mentally rocking today even though you think about the past a lot. This will cause you to think about a lot of creative ways to increase your wealth. You don’t know what you have to buy or make for that one certain person. You are full of ideas but for now you can’t make a choice. Follow your first hunch because it usually is the best. Your health isn’t really well at the moment. You might easily catch a cold.

Drink enough water!


21 September 2012


You have the feeling you have a lot of energy and it will be satisfactory to do something with it. Things that have been waiting for completion for a long time will finally be finished today. Keep your distance when a new colleague wants to involve you in something. Don’t discuss unimportant matters. Invest in goodwill. You will get it back in threefold. Flattery will persuade people about something.

Use your extra energy!


It is a day full of emotions and mood shifts. Are others trying to lure you into emotional swamps? Realize that humour is your best weapon. Something dark will see the light. There is a big chance you find out that someone has been hiding something for you. A family gathering will make it able for you to talk about a certain matter, to clarify a position or to make people get closer together.

Don’t spend too much money!


You could be thrown off balance today. Fortunately there will be nice opportunities in the career area. These moody people suddenly aren’t so important anymore. Do what you are good at: let go and find balance. A lot of people drop by today. That will cause some restlessness but some unexpected cosiness as well. Try to focus on that last part or you will just get annoyed.

Look at the bright side!


Pay extra attention to your partner’s feelings today. Listen to what (s)he has to say and that should also be applied to your friends. By doing that you will gain progress in all kinds of areas. Are you prepared to risk your career for a relationship or the other way around? The time to make a choice has come because you can’t keep on going the way you are going now. You will have to give up one of them eventually.

Make a decision!


Money makes the world go around. Yes, you are allowed to spoil yourself even when you will have to be a bit more frugal in the upcoming period. Stick to this one treat and don’t turn it into a habit. A younger person will ask for your advice. Take advantage of the little time you have and enjoy it to the fullest. The evening will be over before you know it. Isn’t that a shame?

Be kind to yourself!


Keep everything as simple as possible and that will get you through the day. Make a good financial overview. By making a plan now you won’t have to ask for a loan in the near future or to empty your savings account. You could be more sensitive than usual and that will add to your charm. It will make you able to really listen to others. If you have a better insight in what moves people, you could get a better deal.

Make a financial plan!


Neighbours or friends won’t respect your privacy today but you will enjoy their company. If you are single and looking for a soul mate, you might get lucky today. Look at troubles in a relationship as a way to learn more about each other. Show what you have got because nothing or nobody gets in your way today. Enjoy feeling this important to the fullest!

Glow without shame!


There is a creative vibe in the air. You are occupied with art and fun. This will make you share your brilliant ideas with the people close to you. Think outside of the box, just like you always do and prepare for big breakthroughs. It won’t take a lot of effort to keep your courage high. Everything seems to be working out well, personally and professionally.

Build some castles in the sky!


You can reach your creative side easier than usual. It seems as if you are living in a dream world. Images and ideas just pop up from your subconscious. Keep a notebook or your cell phone close to you and write them down, all these brilliant ideas. Idealistic expectations could be far off from the truth when it comes to happiness in a marriage. The durability of your relationship could be tested. You will have to find a way to compromise.

Get your feet back on the ground!


A warm, creative mood is in the air. That will influence your communication skills. You can speak straight from your heart but watch out you don’t exaggerate. Do you think you will regret what you say afterwards? Keep quiet for a little longer then. Working together with someone whom complements you in certain areas will be very effective. If you are travelling, you will make new friends.

Watch out what you say!


You can count on an ocean of illusions today. It sometimes gets hard to separate reality from fantasy. Instead of seeing the traps and beauty errors you only see what you would like to see. A very strong bond with a colleague that is on the same wavelength could start to exist. Keep this relationship professional even when you feel more. Conversations will be positive and you discover a lot about certain people.

Don’t spill your secrets!


It is all right to dive into nice memories and to roll around in nostalgia but don’t dwell on them for too long. Things that need handling in the present will lie around then. It could be an interesting experience to put your thoughts onto paper even when you’re not a writer. You get the chance to catch a glimpse behind someone’s mask and you will like what you see. Have the courage to change something about your looks.

Focus on the present!


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